How Do I Fix My iPhone Speaker?

fix my iphone speaker image

It is very frustrating if your iPhone’s speaker isn’t working. There may be a quick remedy or it indicates a serious problem if your speaker malfunctions. In this article, I am going to help you out of this situation. Here are some of the best methods to fix your iPhone speaker.

Check Silent Mode

First of all, make sure your phone is not in silent mode. To check this, see the three ringer tone buttons on the side of your iPhone. If silent mode is on, simply turn off the silent mode, and boom your problem is fixed. Also, make the voice high by pressing the high tone button. Make sure the do not disturb mode is turned off.

Check Settings

Go to the settings, then sounds and haptics and there you will see a toggle option for change with button, if it’s off turn it on. Because sometimes increasing the voice with the ringtone button may not increase the sound. Also, scroll down and make sure you have enabled play haptics on ringtone and silent. If it’s already enabled then just disable and enable it again by yourself.

Clear the speaker

When you place your iPhone frequently in your pocket or bags, dirt particles or any other small particles can block the speaker. You need to clean your device in this case. Take a toothbrush or a cotton swab and dip it in alcohol not in water or any other liquid which can’t be evaporated and then simply wipe the speakers. This might resolve your issue. You can also use the Fix My Speaker web app for this purpose.

Clear the charging slot

Sometimes when something gets stuck in your charging slot, it might mimic that your iPhone is still connected to the headphones. So, clear them also with alcohol on a cotton swab or toothbrush.

Check Bluetooth Connection

Make sure your iPhone Bluetooth is turned off. It should not be connected to earphones or any external speaker.


Simply restart the iPhone it may help you by solving a lot of software glitches and bugs.

Drying your phone

Sometimes when you drop your phone into the water it will make your speaker stop working. Simply dry your phone, after removing every removable thing by the silica gel method.

Reset Your Device

If all the solutions are not working then reset your phone.

Tap on Settings > General >  Transfer and reset >  Reset all

Seek Professional Help

If none of the above methods work, get your phone to the nearest Apple store and ask them to repair it. You can get it repaired without any cost if your phone is under warranty.


In conclusion, you can fix your iPhone speaker by following the methods mentioned in this article or by using a reliable Fix My Speaker app. Do not try to open your phone yourself because it may permanently damage it.

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